PT Sayap Mas Utama (Wings Group) merupakan produsen produk rumah tangga yang bermarkas di Jakarta dan Surabaya. Perusahaan ini didirikan pertama kali pada 1948. Pada tahun 1991 menjadi PT. Wings Surya yang bermarkas di Surabaya dan PT. Sayap Mas Utama yang bermarkas di Jakarta. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 70 tahun, Wings telah menjadi salah satu perusahaan lokal terbesar di Indonesia yang telah mengekspor ke mancanegara. Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja Magang Wings Group.
Lowongan Kerja Wings Group Indonesia
1. Production Supervisor
- Suvervise the entire production process at the factory
- Implement company regulations, control and evaluate the QMS (ISO 9001:2015), EHS (ISO 14001:2017 & ISO 45001:2018) CPPKRTB System, CPKB System, Halal Assurance System.
2. Manufacture Excellence
- Manage improvement projects to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the company
- Review operational processes and routine monitoring
3. Production Leader
- Lead a team in one production line to meet production targets
- Provide regular production progress reports to the supervisor
4. Production Technician
- Identify abnoralities/potensial issues in Manufacturing equipment
- Execute autonomous and preventive maintenance
Requirements :
- Candidate must own at least Diploma or Bachelor degree in Engineering (Mechanical Industrial, Chemical, Electrical, Mechatronic or Electromechanical) with minimal GPA of 3.00 (on a scale of 4.00)
- At least 5 years of working experience in FMCG for Supervisor position. For other positions, at least 1 year of working experience and fresh Gradutes are welcome to apply
- Willing to work in shifts and be placed at Cakung, East jakarta and Karawang, West Java
Tata Cara Melamar:
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Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan lowongan kerja
Wings Group tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun selama proses rekrutmen (travel, akomodasi, administrasi, dan sebagainya).