Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (PATRiA)

Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (PATRiA)
Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (PATRiA)

PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (PATRiA), didirikan pada tanggal 8 Februari 1983. Pada awalnya dibangun untuk memenuhi permintaan perkembangan industri di Indonesia yang semakin meningkat. Sebagai salah satu perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia di bidang manufaktur & rekayasa alat berat, PATRiA memberikan solusi berdasarkan kebutuhan spesifik pelanggan. Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (PATRiA).

Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering (PATRiA)

1. MDRM Corporate Plan Intern

Job Description :

  • Collecting data for industrial analysis purposes
  • Assisting in corporate planning activities
  • Creating spreadsheet on AMS and company’s leader meeting alignment

Requirements :

  • Bachelor degree majoring in Statistics, Marketing or Industrial Engineering (Active student or Fresh Graduate are welcome)
  • Understand data capture for market analysist
  • Able to use Ms Excel & Ms Powerpoint
  • Placement Cikarang, Jawa barat

2. MDRM Management System Admin Intern

Job Description :

  • Perform mapping of existing SOPs
  • Assist on the preparation on new SOPs
  • Recap the innovation story and corporate Plan Material
  • Partivipate in the company event’s commite

Requirement ;

  • Bachelor degree majoring in Industrial Engineering (Active student or Fresh Graduate are welcome)
  • Preferably able to do basic design for presentations and internal project promotion’s design needs
  • Placement Cikarang, Jawa Barat

3. Quality Control Intern

Job Description :

  • Revise or update supporting data for ISO 9001-2015, such as check Sheet, working instruction etc
  • Standardize checksheet & add checksheet master data in system QA Sheet
    Implementation of E-Checksheet plant
  • Create sigma form component and improve, cylinder and engine component

Requirements :

  • Bachelor degree majoring in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering (active student or Fresh Graduate are welcome)
  • Understand management process ISO 9001-2015, Sigma & Manufacturing Process
  • Familiar about the flow process, Improvement unit & component (Cylinder or Engine specialist) of heavy equipment
  • Capable to use Ms Word, Excel & Visio
  • Placement Cikarang, Jawa Barat

4. Manufacturing LK3 Intern

Job Description :

  • Studying manufacturing business process Business
  • Reviewing IBPR (Identifikasi Bahaya & penilaian resiko)
  • Identification of SOP & WI in accordance with manufacturing business processes
  • Reviewing existing SOP & WI and developing new SOP & WI

Requirements :

  • Bachelor degree majoring in K3 or Environmental Engineering (active student or Fresh Graduate are welcome)
  • Familiar and understand the regulations, standards and program related to K3 and Environment
  • Capable to make flow chart in Ms Excel & Word
  • Able to work in a team
  • Placement Cikarang, Jawa Barat

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