PT Pelita Air Service atau biasa disingkat menjadi PAS, adalah anak usaha dari Pertamina yang berbisnis di bidang penerbangan.
Flight Attendant A320
- Male/Female, Indonesian Citizen
- Attractive, talented and excellent in both communication and interpersonal skill
- Hold or held Indonesian DGCA Flight Attendant Cerificate (Preferebly A320) Fluent in English
- Maximum age of 35 years old by the time of joining
- Female minimum height 160 cm
Document for walk in interview
- Flight Attendant Certificate and Certificate of Medical
- Valid Rapid Antigen Result (not more than 24 Hour before the interview day) Formal Education Certificate
- National Identity Card
- Post Card & Full Body (front view)
- No Criminal Record (shall be provided upon joining)
- Reference Letter From Previous Company (shall be provided upon joining)
Selection Stage
- Walk In Interview
- Psychotest
- Medical Examination
Flight Operation Officer
Send your update Current
- Curriculum vitae
- Copy of FOO license
- Held FOO License rated A320
- Priority if Graduated D3 or Bachelor Degree
- Knowledge of indonesia DGCA Regulation Able to read, write and Speak in english
- Adaptive to Current Aviation Technology
- Copy of cert TOT, DG type A, SMS (if any)
- Copy of University Transcript
Apabila anda tertarik untuk melamar pekerjaan ini, silakan ikuti prosedur berikut
1. Flight Attendant A320
WALK IN INTERVIEW 02 & 03 MARCH 2023 08.00AM – 02.00 PM
Function Hall Pelita Air
Bandara Pondok Cabe Jalan Pondok Cabe Raya Tangerang Selatan
2 Flight Operation Officer
Silakan kirimkan lamaran anda ke email:
Email to [email protected]
Note: Semua proses rekrutmen ini gratis dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk tindak penipuan!